Food Freedom, Body Image and Eating Disorder Recovery Blog

You’re not alone in your journey.

I spent years hating my body and living with an eating disorder that I kept hidden because of the shame I felt. Through recovery I learned how to make peace with food and my body. You can too!

Meet Joni


Diet culture


Body Image

Seeking Support

Download my free “Seven Steps to Breaking Up With Diet Culture” Guide

About Joni

Embracing Fear

The start of a new year can bring up an avalanche of thoughts and feelings.  You may be feeling excitement, optimism, hope and renewal, and/or fear, dread, self-doubt, shame, guilt and sadness.   Why is it that this time of year has so much power over our thoughts and actions?   For as long as I can […]

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I spent years hating my body and living with an eating disorder that I kept hidden because of the shame I felt. Through recovery I learned how to make peace with food and my body. You can too!

Meet Joni


Diet culture


Body Image

Seeking Support

Download my free “Seven Steps to Breaking Up With Diet Culture” Guide

About Joni

Embracing Fear